Doula Support

When we, as a society, begin to value mothers as the givers and supporters of life, then we will see social change in ways that matter” — Ina May Gaskin.

As your doula, I’ll support you to meet your power throughout pregnancy, birth and motherhood by helping you find peace in the knowledge that everything you need resides within.

Why hire a birth doula?

Having continuous doula support throughout your pregnancy, labour and birth has been shown to have a positive impact on birth outcomes and perception of birth experience.

Birth doulas are there to provide emotional and physical support, to advocate for you and support you in navigating the maternity system.

During pregnancy, we’ll work together to explore your expectations, hopes and fears around birth. I’ll direct you towards relevant resources and information that will help you gain knowledge and power to make the choices that are right for you.

During labour and birth, I’ll be your cheerleader, supporting you physically and emotionally, while ensuring your voice is heard in your birth space and that your wishes are followed.

What does birth doula service involve?

My priority as your doula is to support you to feel empowered and trust your own intuition.

My service includes (but is not limited to):

  • 3 antenatal visits where we will explore your expectations, hopes and fears around birth

  • Whatsapp support throughout your pregnancy

  • 1 private Prenatal Yoga session, including tips on Optimal Foetal Positioning, breathing practices to support you during pregnancy and birth and tailored movement to help strengthen and release tense and tight areas

  • Signposting to relevant information and resources

  • Borrowing books from my library

  • Supporting you to write your birth plan

  • Attending antenatal appointments with you, when required (subject to availability)

  • On call for you 24/7 from 38 weeks onwards

  • Emotional and physical support during labour and birth, including massage and acupressure techniques

  • One postnatal visit, including a birth debrief if requested.

For information on pricing and combining birth and postnatal doula support, please get in touch.

Why hire a postnatal doula?

Often, pregnant people will be given a lot of support in the lead up to and during birth, but find they have little to no support afterwards in the days and weeks after labour.I strongly believe that we’re not looking after or honouring mothers the way we should be in our culture – particularly in the postpartum period.

There is a lot of pressure to “bounce back” after giving birth and we often praise new mothers for how quickly they can get out and about, instead of celebrating the amount of time they take to rest and recover. Babies don’t care about new gadgets or expensive clothes. The only thing they need is for their mother to be thriving and well. 

Studies have shown that a positive postpartum period can help prevent postnatal mood disorders and even improve the experience of perimenopause further down the line. 

I offer a range of postnatal doula services that focus on supporting new mothers and people who have recently given birth through this incredible transition.

What does postnatal doula service involve?

As your postnatal doula, I will work with you to create a plan for your postpartum period and be there for you in the way that you need. This should help you feel supported and nurtured so you can focus on adapting to your new life with your beautiful baby!

Doula packages are entirely tailored to your needs and budget, from single visits, to a 12-hour or 24-hour package. 

Each package includes one postpartum planning session, which we’ll arrange for when you’re 36-38 weeks pregnant.

My service includes, but is not limited to:

  • Birth debriefing

  • Guided meditations and breathing practices

  • Breastfeeding support

  • Babywearing support

  • Looking after baby while you take a shower, have a meal or take a nap

  • Bringing herbal infusions, snacks and meals to your home 

  • Cooking in your home, including preparing food and batch cooking

  • Washing up and light tidying and cleaning

  • Helping with other siblings.

For information on pricing and combining birth and postnatal doula support, please get in touch.

Doula FAQs

  • The cost of hiring a doula depends on the services you require and the level of support you need. Contact me for more information on doula service costs.

  • A midwife is a trained professional who provides medical care to women during pregnancy, and childbirth. A doula provides emotional, physical, and informational support to mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.